
Quote, Bind, Sell, Repeat!

I ventured into the insurance industry by accident. I can remember the exact moment it happened. It was 2012 and I recently closed my night club after 12 long years of dealing with everything that came with the nightlife. Bar fights, alcohol liabilities, competition, law enforcement, etc. The money was awesome, but it did come with a price. My days often begun at 3:00 pm and ended at 6:00 am. I loved dealing with people on an everyday basis, but the life had taken its toll on me. I needed a change.

I befriended a club DJ who was from Brooklyn, New York. Ironically, our stories were kind of similar he had just left the housing industry as an inspector and was Deejaying part time until he could get back into a successful trade industry. He mentioned a P&C insurance class he had signed up for and suggested I give it a try as well.

My first response was. “Insurance, man I can’t stand insurance, that stuff is boring and what is P&C?” He went on to say that he knew of a few insurance agents that were making six figure incomes and a P&C Insurance license was all that was required to start writing business and P&C stood for property & casualty. That sparked my interest so I agreed to sign up for the class, what could it hurt.

Four 10-hour days of P & C insurance information was overwhelming to say the lease. How could someone learn all of this in this small amount of time, study for the test, take the state exam and expect to pass; it seemed IMPOSSIBLE.

Until I turned it into a 7-million-dollar business in just 4 years.

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True Manhood

K.I.N.G. is a National Christian Men’s Movement that exists to empower men in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ by providing brotherhood, encouragement, accountability, teaching and fellowship. Founded by internationally-known NBA analyst and renowned Christian leader Chris Broussard, K.I.N.G. strives to serve, support and strengthen the Family, the Local Church, the Community, and the Body of Christ by disciplining men to be unashamed and unwavering in their commitment to Christ and service to others.
The name K.I.N.G. is an acronym for Knowledge, Inspiration, and Nurture through God. K.I.N.G. is a non-denominational movement that seeks to unite true, Bible-believing Christian men across all racial, denominational, generational and political lines.

K.I.N.G. Mission Statement
“To empower men to reach our God-given potential in every realm of life through the power and grace of The Lord Jesus Christ. To help us become the husbands, fathers, leaders, citizens and role models God created us to be. To present to our families, communities, nation and world an image of men as God-fearing, family-oriented, moral, loving, intelligent, responsible and productive. To glorify The Most High God by walking in true Biblical manhood.”

K.I.N.G. Church Fellowship Program
The K.I.N.G. Movement recognizes the biblical, historical and spiritual strength of the local church, and the unique calling it has to serve as God’s instrument to equip and empower His people. It is therefore the goal of K.I.N.G. to provide assistance and support to pastors and churches in their ongoing congregational efforts to impact, influence and inspire the lives of men in their ministry and the greater community. To that end, The K.I.N.G. Movement humbly invites pastors and local congregations to engage in a collaborative partnership through the K.I.N.G. CHURCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM.

Contact [email protected] for all inquires.

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These are the words I share with every couple that comes to my office looking forward to their wedding day. In a society that is continuously and aggressively opposed to God’s biblical blueprint for marriage, with people breaking up over nothing and specializing in making mountains out of molehills, with individuals so selfish they never embrace the idea that “two become one” because they are fighting for “what’s mine is mine”—SOMEBODY’S GOT TO BELIEVE IN MARRIAGE!

AVAILABLE 5/15/2020

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JAYNE KENNEDY | AMERICAN ICON: Through the Lens of Lamonte Mclemore

A few years ago, a friend and I spent countless hours researching Black beauty, style and glamour. As my eyes skimmed across hundreds of online pinups, portraits, and snapshots, I was suddenly triggered. It was a photo of a gorgeous Black woman on the May 1973 cover of JET Magazine. I said to myself, “Who is this woman? Where have I seen her before?” Slowly, my memory came back. I remembered that years earlier I had stumbled upon a box of my grandfather’s vintage magazines. This exact cover was there. It read, “Beauty + Brains = Success.” Now that I figured out the connection, I was hooked. My search became more specific. “Who is Jayne Kennedy?” Using keywords “Jayne Kennedy red carpet,” “Jayne Kennedy editorial,” “Jayne Kennedy YouTube videos,” I was suddenly spiraling down a rabbit hole of beauty, glamour, and sophistication that I never wanted to end.

Jayne is undoubtedly one of the ultimate “IT” girls of the 1970’s and 80’s. As a bonafide sex symbol, she took the reigns of her power. With self-assurance and refined originality, she accumulated an incredible list of firsts that range from beauty pageants, prime time television and celebrity endorsements. When America tried to project a certain standard of beauty for black women, Jayne pushed back by simply being Jayne.

After years of publicly voicing my admiration, I received a call that Jayne wanted to meet me about this book! “How is this possible? What would I wear? What would I say?” I felt like that curious little boy who had scoured through my grandfather’s box all over again. Then it happened! On a breezy Tuesday in Los Angeles, my heart swelled in awe as I watched her tall, almost 6-foot frame enter the courtyard of the Chateau Marmont. We began to chat and what was supposed to be a brief coffee date turned into a 4-hour love fest. She endearingly refused to brag on her accomplishments, possessing a rare and constant poise mixed with humility. It then dawned on me that Jayne is just now realizing her impact on our culture. She showed me images from photoshoots that she planned to include in this book where she did her own hair and makeup and made almost all the clothes that she wore. I was captivated by each outfit, all crafted with precision and finesse…dresses that could have easily been mistaken for a Halston. Can we now please credit Jayne as one of the first Black stylists in Hollywood? A pioneer who allowed myself and others to now exist in this industry!

Jayne brought Black GLAMOUR to the main stage. That same confidence, charisma, and spark that radiated through our television and film screens and magazines then – still illuminates today. I’m so lucky to be able to honor, respect, and hail Jayne Kennedy as the Great American Icon that she is. May her brilliant legacy inspire others to forge new paths in the world of fashion and beyond.


Cheers to Jayne!

Image Architect | Law Roach


My first crush had to be Jayne Kennedy. She was Halle Berry and Farrah Fawcett put together. Everyone wanted Jayne Kennedy – she was tall and gorgeous. I never got to meet her man, but if she’s out there, Jayne, I’m looking for you!  – Jamie Foxx

Jayne Kennedy! Jayne Kennedy, the beautiful woman, sportscaster, black woman. She couldn’t help it if she had a beautiful face and a gorgeous body and everybody wanted Jayne Kennedy. And she… as a young Wendy, 3rd and 4th grade, I was like, if she can do it I can do it.   Wendy Williams

Anyone that knows me knows how I feel about this woman and how much I’ve wanted to meet her since I was ten years old. She accomplished so many things in media and was the first African American woman to kick down that door for many of us to come behind her. As an actress, beauty queen, sports commentator, and so much more. And most importantly she has such a beautiful and sweet aura around her.  – Claudia Jordan

Jayne, we honor you. I totally understand that it is upon your shoulders that we stand. It is about time that we can bow down to you for the ground that you laid. Thank you.   Vanessa A. Williams

Jayne Kennedy showed me that I could follow my dream too. We used to gather ‘round the TV and watch and scream and jump up and down: ‘Colored people on TV! Colored people on TV!’   – Oprah Winfrey



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A second chance at love (Pulsations series Book 3)

Kevin and Rich have both experienced heartbreak and disloyal partners in their most recent relationships. Although it may seem like they have it all, when it comes to relationships, Kevin and Rich can’t seem to catch a break. In the last two novels we got to see Kevin fall in love with Brittany and Rich tie the knot with Melissa, only to find betrayal after searching for love and commitment.
In this third series of Pulsations of a Heartbeat we get to see the story continue from Brittany’s perspective. Brittany is a former exotic dancer who had big dreams of finishing school and owning her own spa one day.
While dating Kevin, he put her in a position to leave the strip club, and finish school so she could have exactly what she wanted. Now single and reaching success with her new spa called The Sanctuary, change is coming Brittany’s way whether she’s ready or not.

As her life transitions into this new journey she can’t help but feel like something’s missing. It has always been easy to get a man with money, but it’s hard to find someone who really loves you for you. Will Brittany take a second chance at love? Or will her old player habits die hard?

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The Art of Submission

The woman’s guide to fulfillment

Seanne N. Murray, widely known as “SNM” and the architect of inspirational erotica, has been tantalizing and inspiring readers online since 2014. Her first book, The Art of Submission, The Woman’s Guide to Fulfillment is the beginning of a new wave of feminism, moving from #metoo to #iam, away from victimization and toward self-actualization and empowerment on our own terms. The attainable goal is independent, self-created, unadulterated fulfillment. So, sit back, savor and prepare for all the satisfaction you desire and deserve.
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Abandoned Road

Part of the Hispanicus Series

In 1991 Jerome avenue in the Bronx belonged to Antonio Pintero and his Foo Crew. They were the talk of the neighborhood, going from peddling nickel and dime bags to pushing cocaine and money across town in packed book bags for a drug baroness by the name of Gabriella Braga.

Suddenly, the need to make more money was something Antonio couldn’t ignore. Once the idea is hashed to take out a rival group of pushers in the neighborhood, things begin to spiral out of control.

Paperback 9781-5323-6372-6
LCCN 2018942733

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