
T.E. Cooper
T.E.Cooper was born in Charlotte,NC. When she was three her father died
then she and her mother moved to Philadelphia. After staying in Philly for 10
yrs. in an abusive relationship, her mother moved T.E. and her sister’s back to Charlotte. Moving back to Charlotte would prove to be a challenge for Ms.Cooper. She no longer had her opposing and abusive step-father to run from, and she felt she had nothing in common with the children in the neighborhood off of Beatties Ford Road where they had moved.
During her time in Philly; T.E. excelled in her studies while attending school
for gifted children with high IQ’s. She even played the flute but in Charlotte
things were a lot different. The allure of the street life proved too much for
young Ms. Cooper and she would be dragged down to the depths of society,
before climbing her way back up and out. Her love for reading and writing
would stand fast in her heart through all her trials. With writing being her
first passion, she has decided to let her passion take hold and run its course.