
Antwan 'ANT' Bank$
Bestselling Author; ANTWAN 'ANT' BANK$, a U.S Army Veteran has a prolific background in business development to include the night club industry, insurance/finance and publishing industry where he's been very successful. His strong entrepreneur spirit all started as a young boy when his Grandmother enrolled him in a summer youth program at the local community center. It was there that a young woman by the name of Mrs. Martin exposed him to the process of taking an idea from his head and making it a reality.
He states that she gave the entire summer class a project to create a tangible good to resale without investing any money for the product. They had to find everyday things from home to create this item then sell it for a profit but it had to be something that they created. At age 9, Antwan came up with the ingenious idea of making flowers in a jar. He took an empty pickle jar from the kitchen and washed off the label. Afterwards he gathered two candles from his Grandmothers cabinet and took a few fake roses from a plastic flower arrangement he found in her barn. Antwan then sat at the kitchen table, placed the jar lid upside down on the table then took a lighter and melted a small mound of wax in the center of the lid. He then snipped the plastic stems of the roses in different lengths, stuck them in the mound of wax, placed the jar over them and gently screwed it to the lid. To finish the project he wrapped some blue cloth around the lid then tied it to the jar with a white ribbon. Antwan made three of those flower jars that evening and went on to sell them and several more at the community center. From that point on the drive to create businesses, grow them and earn money became a life-long passion.
Mr. BANK$, is a true believer in the American dream and how ones dreams can become a reality if they just work hard at it. His innate ability to put pen to paper to create a compelling story is now his everyday passion. It's not a day that passes by when he isn't writing or focusing on his next writing project. As a black man finding his way in America the road was never easy. Antwan's soul mission is to empower our youth to dream and most of all make those dreams a reality. He believes in leading by example and I can tell you that ANTWAN 'ANT' BANK$ is an awesome, profound individual, his work speaks for itself.